The TOEFL® Test gets students to the United States, Australia, Canada and the U.K.

The TOEFL® Test is the best way for your students to achieve their goals at more than 12,000 universities and institutions in 160 countries globally. Provide support to set your students up for success.

Who Accepts TOEFL®Scores?

Accepted and preferred worldwide

The TOEFL® test is accepted and preferred in more than 160 countries including the United States, Australia, Canada and the U.K. Get to more destinations around the world with the TOEFL advantage.


  1. Survey of 59 admissions officers at the top 100 U.S. universities who accept both the TOEFL test and the IELTS test and who expressed a preference.
  2. Survey of 329 admissions officers at U.S. universities.
  3. Survey of 44 graduate admissions officers at Canadian universities.
  4. Survey of 107 admissions officers at Canadian universities.
  5. Surveys of university admissions officers (59 in France and 100 in Germany).

Become a Market Ambassador for the TOEFL® Program

Increase your team’s ability to make a difference in the lives of students who aspire to go overseas for higher education. The TOEFL Market Ambassador Program:

Provides knowledge and expertise to help you prepare students for the future

Helps you be a guide and mentor for parents who have a dream for their children to study overseas

Ensures your team has vital information needed by students around the various study abroad options and pathways.

Benefits of the Program include:

  • Access to test discounts for your students
  • Discounts on Official TOEFL preparation materials for bulk purchases.
  • The ability to earn commission on test taker registrations.
  • Official TOEFL Marketing materials for your team to use, at no cost to you.
  • Product training and regular TOEFL updates to ensure you have the most current information about the test.
  • Visibility on the TOEFL India website and the Market Ambassador designation.

Please leave your details here:

  • For more information on how to join the TOEFL Market Ambassador program
  • To be a part of our Online Train the Trainer session

    I am interested in:

    Joining the TOEFL Market Ambassador program
    The Online Train the Trainer session

    India Market Ambassadors for the TOEFL® Program