Register as a Market Ambassador for the TOEFL® Program

Increase the impact your team can have on students who want to pursue higher education abroad. The TOEFL Market Ambassadors Program:

  • provides you with knowledge and experience to aid in preparing students for the future
  • helps you serve as a mentor and advisor to parents who aspire for overseas education for their children
  • Ensures your team is equipped with the crucial knowledge students require regarding the numerous study abroad alternatives and pathways

Benefits of the Market Ambassador Program include

  • Test savings available for your students
  • Discounts on official TOEFL preparation materials offered for bulk purchases.
  • the possibility of receiving commissions on registrations for tests.
  • Official TOEFL marketing materials available for your team at no cost.
  • Frequent TOEFL upgrades and product training to guarantee you have the most up-to-date knowledge of the test.
  • listing on the TOEFL India website and the title of Market Ambassador.